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I have to start somewhere!

This is my official first post on my blog. I have written many iterations of this post over the last six years, deleting every one of them along the way. What I was struggling with was my perception of what people would take away from what I said. I was consumed with doing it just right so that anyone reading it would see me the way I wanted them to. The problem with this of course is that there is no way to do that and also write from your heart. So, six years later and I think I know what I want to say!

I love design. I love beautiful things. I love being a mom. My passion for it comes from within and has been with me for a lifetime. Skipping around here a little to let you know a little more about my why. I am a mother, step mom and wife. I am an eternal optimist and also a realist. I feel that beauty can and should be part of every day life, infused into it seamlessly. Those who are close to me know I will forgo cleaning the kitchen in order to have a play date or I will run late to an appointment because I felt it was more important to stay and really listen to someone who needed to be heard that day. I believe that life is meant to be lived in the silver linings because in them true joy can be found. I often read words from people who are influencers or role models and what I find myself saying to myself so often is "who gave them permission to be experts?" The reality is that no one did. I realized that I have somehow been waiting for someone to give me permission to express what I know as a mom, wife, designer, creator, painter, daughter, sister, friend. So, this first post may not be traditional, it may not follow the rules for setting up my blog with a mission statement or whatever, but it is where I am starting. So follow along here as I continue to learn and share about parenting, creating and designing in my corner of the design world.

Talk soon,



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